
News of








information for visa

Dear Colleagues,
The Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS;
the N.N.Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics of RAS;
the Moscow Institute (University) of Physics and Technology;
the "Mass Spectrometry" section of the D.I.Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society
are very pleased to invite you to participate in the first of a Workshop-school series entitled "Mass Spectrometry in Chemical Physics, Biophysics and Environmental Sciences".

The first workshop will be held in the ancient and attractive Russian town of Zvenigorod (60 km to the west of Moscow, Holiday home of RAS in fir-forest), on April 25 and 26, 2002.

Registration will be on 24 of April in Moscow. Departure from Zvenigorod - 27 of April.

Established experts in the field as well as young scientists and graduate students are encouraged to submit abstracts for either the oral or poster sessions, or to register to participate without any submission. Please note the following deadlines:
receipt of registrations - February 18;
receipt of registration fee - before April 5;
receipt of abstracts March 15.

The workshop will focus on the crucial role of mass spectrometry in current and future developments in the fields of chemical physics, biophysics and environmental sciences. Papers are particularly encouraged on basic topics in chemical kinetics, chemical thermodynamics, and in aspects of chemical structure with an emphasis on the mass spectral analysis of non-volatile compounds, their non-destructive ionization and/or their targeted destruction for the determination of molecular or crystal structure. Submissions are also invited in the field of biophysics concerning the mass spectral analysis of peptides, proteins and nucleic acids. Other topics of interest include the mass spectrometric detection and analysis of trace contaminants in air, soil and water.

Possible forms of Participation in the Workshop:
- Oral presentation (15 min. lecture + 10 min. discussion) with A4 overhead transparencies.
- Poster (A1 format).
- Attendee without presentation.

The official languages for the Workshop will be English and Russian.

The participants will have the opportunity to congratulate Professor Victor L. Talroze, the outstanding Russian scientist in the fields of chemical physics and mass spectrometry, on the occasion of his 80th birthday.

This Workshop-school will de sponsored in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research.

Further information is available concerning submission of abstracts, final scientific program, registration fee, deadlines, travel to Moscow (Zvenigorod), etc. by clicking on the appropriate buttons or button "News of Workshop". Information concerning accommodation will be available shortly.

April, 25-26, 2002, Moscow, Russia
Hosted by uCoz