
News of








information for visa

April 4, 2002 We published the program of Workshop in program section of this site.
Febrary 4, 2002 First News.
Febrary 4, 2002
The Workshop-school: "Mass Spectrometry in Chemical Physics, Bio-Physics, and Environmental Sciences" will be held in the ancient and attractive Russian town of Zvenigorod (60 km to the West of Moscow), in the holiday home of the Russian Academy of Science in a fir-forest on April 25 and 26, 2002.
The address: 142090, Russia, Zvenigorod, Moscow region, Holiday home of RAS.
Registration will be on the 24th of April in Moscow.
Latest departure from Zvenigorod - 27th of April afternoon.
All participants should inform the Organizing Committee before April, 5, about the date, time and the numbers of the arrival and departure flights to allow the organisation of friendly receptions and goodbyes in Moscow Airport.
On the 24-th of April, from 11 am until 04 p.m., a special session of the Academic Council of the Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics RAS devoted to a celebration of the jubilee of the outstanding Russian chemical physicist and mass spectrometrist Prof. Victor L. Talroze will be held in the Institute. Everybody is welcome to attend this occasion.
After the Academic Council of the Institute, all participants of the Workshop will be transported to Zvenigorod by special buses.
The accommodation and meals in the Holiday home of RAS in Zvenigorod will be free of charge for the period 24-27 of April.
A cultural programme will be offered for participants and accompanying persons during their stay in Zvenigorod.
On the morning of 27-th of April, all participants are invited for an excursion to Savvino-Storogevsky monastery. This is a famous and attractive Russian historical site.
Each participant of the Workshop must pay a registration fee.
The registration fee for participants is 150 US Dollar, the fee for students is 70 US Dollar, and the fee for accompanying persons is 100 US Dollar.
Please, send this amount by bank transfer strictly before the 5-th of April, 2002, to:
Institute of Energy Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences
Banker Trust Company, New York, USA
in transit of: Account # 04-405-953 of Federal Bank for Innovation and
in transit of: Account #40503840700000070002
in favor of: Account # 40503840300000000004, INEPCPRAS, IDN

Mark the payment: Name of Participant, "Registration fee for Workshop "Mass Spectrometry in Chemical Physics, Bio-Physics and Environmental Sciences".
After payment has been made, please, inform the Organizing Committee about it by E-mail.
All payments must be made only in US Dollar.

On-site registration fee payments will be possible in Moscow or in Zvenigorod but only in cash (cheques or Credit Cards are not acceptable). The registration fee in this case will be 200 US Dollar for participants, 70 US Dollar for students and 150 US Dollar for accompanying persons.

April, 25-26, 2002, Moscow, Russia
Hosted by uCoz